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Powder pots are carefully designed to keep their delicate contents – particularly nutritional supplements or pharmaceuticals – secure. These containers are an excellent way to transport, store and dispense these sensitive products.

When it comes to powders, tablets, and similar products, there are slightly different packaging considerations to keep in mind. In addition to the requirements for conventional products, these packaging designs need to also account for details such as the texture of the powder, whether it’s a high-dust consistency or a compactable, security from tampering or children, and the method of dispensing it. Powder pots are specifically designed to hold supplements and vitamins, whether they are in powdered or tablet forms.

Key Elements of Powder Pots

Food Grade HDPE

Food grade materials are essential for your packaging whether you’re intending to package nutritional supplements, tablets or other pharmaceuticals. Powder pots are made from HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) which is excellent for durability as well as safety. HDPE is an inherently heat and water-resistant material and as long as the packaging is sealed securely, the contents within should be safe from the elements. There’s no risk of leaching chemicals or cross-contamination.

Tamper Evident Caps

Any type of product that is intended for consumption should have extra security in their packaging. They need to be safely closed from the moment they leave the manufacturer’s space and until they reach the consumer. Being fitted with tamper evident caps on the packaging ensures that you are aware of any tampering or mishandling that may have occurred along the way.

A Range of Sizes

Offering customers a range of different sizing options is a huge asset for any brand. Customers’ needs vary depending on factors like household size, consumption behaviour, and storage space.

Plastic and Non-Plastic Options

Each packaging material has its own individual benefits. Choosing the best one for your product depends on what its needs are and how well these materials suit those requirements. For instance, plastic packaging may be better suited if your products need to travel for a long distance before reaching the customer. Plastics tend to be more robust and hardwearing when it comes to longer supply chain logistics. But if your products are sold locally, glass jars could work better.

How to Design the Best Packaging for Your Product?

A big part of the decision making that goes into your packaging design is the requirements of your product. In terms of sales, an equally important aspect to understand is where, how and to whom your product is being marketed to. Getting your target consumer’s market attention is crucial to pushing your sales figures up.  These are a few things to keep in mind in terms of packaging:

The Target Consumer Market

Choosing the right colours, typography and design details can catch the attention of the target market. In order to do this, you need to understand the needs, preferences and consumer behaviour of your intended customer base. Are they gym bunnies, health conscious, or busy mums with a million things to do and no time to drill down into every detail?


In today’s saturated market, branding is essential to set your product apart from the rest. Not only can branding attract new customers but it’s essential to get repeat custom. In order to buy your product again, they need to be able to distinguish your product from that of your competitors on a packed shelf in the supermarket.

Offer Variety

New customers usually want to try out a small amount before committing to a larger purchase. Purchase size also varies depending on the number of people present in the household. Based on these and a range of other factors, it makes sense to have a range of options in terms of sizes.

Showcase the Purpose and Benefits Clearly

Packaging needs to make its purpose very clear; this is especially useful for first -time buyers. For example, rather than just advertising a product as chocolate powder, marking it down as drinking chocolate offers a clearer idea of the product. The purpose is clear. In addition to this, to set the product apart from its competitors, it’s also key to add in the benefits or the unique selling points of the product. In this instance, it may be that the chocolate is sourced ethically or that it’s an instant hot chocolate mix or something else entirely.

If your powder pot is small, don’t crowd everything on. Consider accordion labels that allow all details to be included without creating a messy appearance. This is especially important for nutritional products where people will want to understand the ingredients and vitamin/ mineral information.

Packaging for Retail or E-Commerce

Packaging that’s designed for products sold in retail stores are very different from those that are made for e-commerce. Those that are sold via e-commerce platforms are designed keeping shipping costs and requirements in mind. From this perspective, the lighter and smaller, the better. While for retail products the emphasis is on the outer design, for e-commerce products the unboxing experience is more important than the outer packaging.

At IFP we have a wide range of products on offer. These include packaging options that are locally made and internationally sourced jars. Contact us to discuss powder pot pricing, quantities, and any requirements you may have.


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